What can Grief look like 23 years later?
A dear friend of mine and previous co-worker, Cie Ann Stien, shared her story of a loss far too soon, her brother Cale. She has experienced 23 years of loss, grief and healing. I was encouraged by many of her messages in this post. There are so many healing aspects in her words that hit me, I wanted to share this with you. Grief sucks. There is no way around it, just through it. It's hard and some days you aren't sure if you will get through.
Her words are an excellent reminder of so many of the aspects to loss and the benefits of time.
Regardless of where you are in your personal grief journey, I pray you walk away finding strength in her words, as you read her message.
Much love,
Cie Ann's words......
Today is the 23rd anniversary of my brother, Cale, passing away.
Today and every day I am reminded how quickly life can change.
I think about how God has a plan for us and we may not understand that plan but His plan is bigger than ours.
Today I talk about Cale because I don’t get to do that every day.
When you lose someone close to you the grief is a long process – but it never goes away.
That sadness never leaves you, it gets better with each passing birthday, holiday and anniversary. You learn to live with grief and sorrow.
It’s okay to not be okay!
I do not get to cherish those sister in law or aunt memories.
I do not get to spend holidays, birthday or major life milestones with my brother.
So, no, I am not okay.
But I am okay because I continue to heal and know that someday he will be greeting me at the Gates of Heaven.
I am okay because I get a longer chance at life than some, I get to make the best of my time here on earth.
So today, if you read this long post, hug someone, tell them I love you, forgive the person(s) that did you wrong, apologize for what you did wrong….cry – cry hard, it is okay!
Today, I remember Cale and his amazing smile and laugh that we all loved.
Love and hugs to you all!
Cie Ann Stien