Mullen’s Miracles foundation announces the activation of its second stage to nourish the needs of...
Kathy’s only child Eric William Mullen took his life on 10-02-18. This decision shattered her world. As an extension of her motherhood to Eric, family, and friends, Kathy is committed to finding a way to help others have the support they need when in a crisis and reduce loss through suicide. This commitment she made to Eric has become her guiding light. She formed Mullen’s Miracles and has personally funded the first two stages of all the work that has occurred.
Taking the time to develop the organization correctly, Kathy is building her non-profit with authenticity and an authority to ensure every aspect of her organization can have the benefits available to those seeking what Mullen’s Miracles offers.
“From aligning the programs and offerings to the compliance and messaging, the board members, core teams, and branding and marketing; this organization is being structured with the authority that will allow us to help all those who need it while honoring Eric and his memory. With every step and in every stage, I am committed to growing Mullen’s Miracles into a legacy organization that will serve nation-wide well beyond my involvement,” says Founder and Executive Director Kathy Mullen.
This stage of Mullen’s Miracles includes building up the overall architecture of the programs that have been identified, while focusing on the operational elements, growing the team and the board. An array of content will be distributed across numerous online channels through blogs, audios, images, and videos, sharing the message and methodology.
The third stage is the birthing and launch of the core programs, directory, and the organization as a whole on Friday, October 2, 2020. This date coincides with the second anniversary since Eric’s passing, bringing a new healing and added meaning to that date.
In this present stage, Mullen’s Miracles is building requesting support in spreading its message, growing its team, and connecting its directories to more resources for those in need of them. Mullen’s Miracles is a humble organization founded on a personal mission and vision. It is open to adding, supplementing, and expanding ideas that will allow it to reach and aid those in need.
Original Post: 8.4.2020