Mother's Day 2020

Mother's Day has always been special in our family; most years were spent attending church and then either cooking brunch at home or going out to eat together as a family. Many times we planted a tree or flowers, symbolizing growth and family. I treasure the love and those memories more and more as time passes, knowing I am blessed to have my mother today.

Since relocating from Iowa to Atlanta in 2015, it has always been easy to buy a plane ticket and head back home to celebrate Mother's Day in our family, sometimes even as one of those 'Don't Tell Mom' surprise visits.

Not so much this year. COVID-19 has changed the plans of many Mother's Day Celebrations. Life, as we know it has forever changed.

Mother's Day took a shift for me in 2019, as Eric's address changed to Heaven in October 2018. 💔 Heartbreaking beyond what I could begin to describe or would want to share. Yet, I know I am far from alone.

Many moms don't have their children to hold for a multitude of reasons, and many children don't have their moms.

That can make celebratory days a bit awkward. I would love to share my perspective with you.

YES!!! I am still a mom, an Angel mom now, and I still love hearing from you. YES!!! I think of Eric hundreds of times every day, remembering all of the love and memories we have shared since the day he was born and placed in my arms. YES!! I shed tears of love quite often. I don't expect that to change. Love is spontaneous, and so are my tears. YES!! I love hearing Eric's name and anyone who wants to talk about Eric or listen to me talk about him. I never tire of stories. Just like any other mom.

Perspective is everything, indeed a life long lesson to remember. No one is ever ready for God to take back our loved ones, yet I have strong faith Eric's soul remains nearby.

Eric's desire to be an organ donor was a significant gift, bringing life to others. Eric saved five lives directly through organ donation. I have the honorable blessing to have relationships with four of the five recipients and their families. Talk about stories - anyone needing an organ transplant has a story that will truly bring you to tears as you understand how difficult life truly can be. I have found Eric's recipients know gratitude more deeply than anyone I have met in my life. Breathtaking to know how many people continue to be impacted by that one life-changing decision of organ donation. Through his additional donations beyond organs, lives will continue to be impacted for up to five years after Eric's death. I will always promote Organ Donation!

Before ever leaving Eric's bedside at the University of Iowa Hospitals, I vowed to become his voice, helping others who struggle with deep pain and life issues.

As I started the healing process of losing my only child to suicide, I couldn't have begun to imagine how my life would be turned upside down and inside out, leaving me lost and at a place to find a new path for my life. So many aspects of the person I was also died along with my son.

Through healing and never-ending love and support, my rebuilding process includes creating a purposeful life to change lives, reduce suicide, and help others reset their lives.

Mullen's Miracles, Inc. is a nonprofit created to honor Eric's memory and is in the process of being strategically designed to help those in crisis, their support system, and those who have lost loved ones to suicide. More to come in the upcoming weeks' on Mullen's Miracles.

Back to Mother's Day. Thank you for all of the treasured Mother's Day wishes; to my dear friend Jerry Vahl for wearing his Mullen's Miracles t-shirt today and sharing your stories and love for Eric and me. Each of you, your undying affection, and my vow to Eric has created a purpose that keeps me going.

Make memories, hold tight those you love, remember we all have to give them back; we don't know how long we have.

Treasure every minute.

Happy Mother's Day 2020,

Eric's Mom, always and forever,


Original Post: 5.10.2020

Kathy Mullen

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