January 15th, 2023 ~ Happy Birthday to ME!

Happy Birthday to ME

"Sometimes you have to get stopped dead in your tracks to really begin your journey" ~ Peter Mayer


I couldn't agree more after living this message firsthand.

When I was younger, I could have never dreamed where life's journeys would have taken me up to this point. Some have broadened my world to shine brighter than I could have imagined. While others darkened my world - pitch black - not knowing if or how I would ever find my way through the depths of darkness.

One thing I do know and hold close to my heart is that I don't know where I would be today without my family and friends' support, love and encouragement. I am honored and humbled by those that have stayed in my life through the periods of darkness.

I have learned, explored, loved, lost and constantly am my most challenging critic to figure out how to get where I am going. So many paths I have taken did not have a map, yet I found my way.

Losing my son Eric is indescribable, and there is no point in trying to put it into words. But, if you understand the loss of your heart to suicide, you can relate, and my heart goes out to you profoundly and forever.

Eric is always with me, in my mind and heart, a thousand or more times every day, on every walk I take, in every heart-shaped rock and feather I find. His memory is carried on through Organ Donation, saving lives and impacting countless others. The lifesaving and impactful journey continue through me, his mom, and Mullen's Miracles. Some bonds live on for eternity.

My word for 2023 is Transformation.

With another trip around the sun behind me,
I look forward to transformations to live a life that impacts others.
I look forward to more days with sunshine than darkness.
I look forward to more journeys tied to my purpose.
I look forward to more memories with family and friends.
I look forward to more celebrations of happiness.
I look forward to offering more opportunities to those that suffer from mental health issues.
I look forward to being open to the possibilities that lie ahead.
I look forward to building brighter futures for those who need help finding their way.
Finally, I look forward to helping to create music that provides hope to those suffering and healing.

In reality, the list is endless......

One thing I know for sure is that time only moves forward, so I best go in that direction to

Much Love,

Kathy Mullen

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